Before the panic sets in, let’s continue to have fun!


Nate Beeler, Columbus Dispatch July 2015

In this wacky political season, you have to laugh to keep from crying! The anticipation of hope that led to the election of our first Black president has given rise to a vehement rejection of the so-called “establishment “ candidate. So reality is setting in that a socialist who is not even a Democrat and a businessman who wears boorish hubris like a badge of honor, are the ones with a real chance of becoming our next president.

A year ago when none of that seemed possible there were jokes and giggles at the thought of a Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders being President.  There was FUN! But now, there is political anxiety.

So let’s take a walk through memory lane in political cartoons. Let’s get the fun back to front and center. I’ve included links for you can get more, that is, if you haven’t got enough…. Enjoy!

Oh yeah, and you can follow me on Twitter: @willjwright


Milt Priggee, June 19, 2015



Clay Bennett, August 28, 2015, Chattanooga Times Free Press



Henry Payne, July 2015


Clay Jones,


 Gary Varvel , Monday, February 15, 2016


John Cole, Scranton Times-Tribute July 2015

6 thoughts on “Before the panic sets in, let’s continue to have fun!

  1. Pingback: Music Teacher Lifestyle

  2. It’s been hard for me to laugh at this election cycle even from the beginning. Since 2007, this process has gotten longer and more drawn out. It’s ridiculous.

    Compare this to British Parliamentary elections, which only last for two weeks IIRC. Generally, the candidates are understood to have been fully vetted by then.

    I would like our Presidential elections to be much shorter but at least 2 months. And for candidates like we have this time around, there was already time for them to have been vetted already. What we have is a circus and the more time Trump has to be on the stage, the more this election is devolving, especially on the Republican side.

    Now for something positive: I wanted to let you know that I have enjoyed some of your posts so far and that I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award.

    Liked by 1 person

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